Bukura Agricultural College
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Bukura Agricultural College is a State Corporation established by an act of Parliament to provide middle level training in agriculture and related fields. The College is also mandated to conduct research and provide extension services.
Programs offered at Bukura Agricultural College
In the heart of every thriving agricultural community lies a network of dedicated individuals committed to fostering growth, sustainability, and prosperity. At the forefront of this endeavor stands... ...read more
In the agricultural landscape of Kenya, the Certificate in Agricultural Extension and Community Development program stands as a beacon of hope, fostering sustainable development, empowering rural communities, and... ...read more
In the dynamic field of agriculture, efficient water management is paramount for ensuring sustainable crop production and environmental conservation. Addressing this need, the Diploma in Agricultural Irrigation and... ...read more
The intricate interplay between agriculture and biotechnology has revolutionized the way we approach food production, crop improvement, and environmental sustainability. At the forefront of this convergence lies the... ...read more