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Karumo Technical Training Institute

Karumo Technical Training Institute is a Public College located in Tigania West Constituency, Meru County .

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Karumo Technical Training Institute (KTTI) is a Technical Institute in Tigania West in Meru County. The Institute is at the periphery of Isiolo County, a region with high potential in tourism, industrial, renewable energy potential among others. Therefore the Institute serves a wide catchment area with high population density. We have positioned ourselves to be a center that will ensure the trainee's Creativity and Innovativeness is utilized to deliver solutions to the challenges they encounter.

We have well-experienced and highly motivated faculty, staff, and skill development trainers to make sure that our students enhance their thinking skills, analytical frameworks, interpersonal skills, communication skills, and technical skills which will mold them into well-rounded technocrats who deliver solutions. Also, our autonomous status allows us to constantly review the curriculum and update as per the industry requirements which ensures that all our students are industry-ready upon graduation.

At KTTI, students get a chance to grow whole rounded guided by our core values of transparency and accountability, excellence, creativity and innovation, efficient use of resources, flexibility and adaptability, and total quality management.

Karumo Technical Training Institute is located in Kuani Sub-Location, Athwana Location, of Tigania West, Meru County. The Institute is 27 kilometers from Meru town along Meru – Maua road 3KM off Kwa-Amos junction – Isiolo road. The Institute has a serene environment away from hassle and bustle with the land of 25 acres with the Nyambene hills to the north and the upcoming resort city in Isiolo County to the east.

Programs offered at Karumo Technical Training Institute

NITA Artisan Certificate 5 terms
Artisan Certificate in Electrical Installation NITA at Karumo Technical Training Institute

This Artisan Certification in Electrical Installation course is designed to equip electrical technicians with the competencies required to install, manage sites, test, and repair different types of electrical... more

KNEC Certificate 2 years
Certificate in Land Surveying at Karumo Technical Training Institute

This Land Surveying Certificate program is one year course designed to introduce students to the basic fundamentals of Land Surveying  to prepare them for entry-level jobs in the... more

KNEC Certificate 2 years
Certificate in Masonry KNEC at Karumo Technical Training Institute

Masonry is the craft of building a structure with brick, stone, or similar material, which are often laid in and bound together by mortar. Masonry is the building... more

KNEC Artisan Certificate 2 years
Artisan Certificate in Building Technology at Karumo Technical Training Institute

Building engineering technology involves the process of designing and constructing buildings and other types of structures.This Artisan Certificate in Building Technology program introduces studnets to the technical processes... more

KNEC Artisan Certificate 2 years
Artisan Certificate in Masonry KNEC at Karumo Technical Training Institute

Masonry consists of building structures from single units that are laid and bound together with mortar. Brick, stone and concrete blocks are the most common materials used in... more

NITA Artisan Certificate 5 terms
Artisan Certificate in Plumbing Pipe Fitter at Karumo Technical Training Institute

Plumbers install and repair the water, waste disposal, drainage, and gas systems in homes and commercial and industrial buildings. Pipefitters, on the other hand, install and repair both... more

NITA Certificate 9 months
Certificate in Hairdressing at Karumo Technical Training Institute

Hairdressing is a unique career that transcends virtually all cultural barriers. Having hairdressing skills and knowledge is a universally recognized career pathway across the world. Our society is... more

KNEC Certificate 2 years
Certificate in Building Technology at Karumo Technical Training Institute

Building technology encompasses the intricate processes of conceptualizing, designing, and erecting various structures. The Certificate in Building Technology program is meticulously crafted to equip students with the expertise... more