Lugari Diploma Teachers Training College
Lugari Diploma Teachers Training College is
a Public College
located in
Lugari Constituency,
Kakamega County
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Lugari Diploma Teachers Training College is a public college located in Western Kenya in Kakamega County, Lugari Sub County, in Munyuki Sub-Location, approximately 35kilometres from Eldoret Town on Uganda - Webuye Road, between Turbo township and Kipkarren River township, 4 km from the main Eldoret-Malaba road, in a serene and cool environment next to Lumakanda DEB Primary School.
Programs offered at Lugari Diploma Teachers Training College
3 years
The Diploma in Secondary Teacher Education (DSTE) aims to equip the secondary teacher with knowledge, skills, values, and attitudes critical to the teaching profession.This DSTE program has two... more