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Thika Technical Training Institute

Thika Technical Training Institute is a Public College located in Thika Town Constituency, Kiambu County .

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Thika Technical Training Institute (Thika TTI) is a Government-funded Technical Training institute located in Thika Town along General Kago Road next to Thika Level 5 District Hospital.

Thika TTI is established under the Ministry of  Education, State Department for Vocational and Technical Training via certificate number MOHEST/GC/1459/011A. It stands at 45 acres of land. Its history dates back to 1949 when it was started as a vocational training center for former World War ll servicemen which was then elevated to technical high school where primary graduates were admitted for secondary education with a technical bias.

Our Mission: To provide Training, Research, and Outreach Programmes that impart skills and utilize applied knowledge to spur economic growth and solve problems in society.

Our Vision: To be the center of excellence in Technical, Industrial, Vocational, and Entrepreneurship Training.

Our Core Functions

  • To give quality training and services
  • To mold wholesome individuals
  • To uphold teamwork in all our undertakings
  • To enhance linkage with industries
  • To enhance linkage with other institutions
  • To uphold research and development
  • To uphold innovation and creativity.

Our Core Values

  • Quality training
  • Ethical practices
  • Fairness and equity
  • Teamwork
  • Transparency and accountability
  • Respect for rule of law
  • Cleanliness and orderliness
  • Efficiency and efficacy

Thika Technical Training Institute is ISO 9001: 2008 certified. We were first certified in July 2011 and recertified in January 2015 by Kenya Bureau of Standards (KEBS).

Programs offered at Thika Technical Training Institute

NITA Artisan Certificate 5 terms
Artisan Certificate in Electrical Installation NITA at Thika Technical Training Institute

This Artisan Certification in Electrical Installation course is designed to equip electrical technicians with the competencies required to install, manage sites, test, and repair different types of electrical... more

KNEC Artisan Certificate 2 years
Artisan Certificate in Information and Communication Technology at Thika Technical Training Institute

In an era defined by rapid technological advancement, the Artisan Certificate in Information and Communication Technology (ICT) program emerges as a gateway to digital literacy and proficiency. Examined... more

KNEC Certificate 2 years
Certificate in Information and Communcation Technology at Thika Technical Training Institute

In today's digital age, proficiency in Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is essential for success in various industries. The Information and Communication Technology Certificate programme is designed to... more

KNEC Certificate 2 years
Certificate in Automotive Engineering at Thika Technical Training Institute

In the dynamic realm of automotive engineering, where technological advancements redefine the industry's landscape, specialized education plays a pivotal role in shaping proficient professionals. Within this context, the... more

KNEC Certificate 2 years
Certificate in Electrical and Electronic Technology (Power) at Thika Technical Training Institute

This Electrical and Electronic Technology (Power) certificate programme equips graduates with both practical and theoretical knowledge in the field of electrical and electronics engineering.It is a two semester... more

KNEC Artisan Certificate 2 years
Artisan Certificate in Electrical Installation KNEC at Thika Technical Training Institute

This Artisan Certificate course in electrical installation is ideally suited for students who are looking to learn the basics of electrical installation and who want to develop the... more

NITA Artisan Certificate 5 terms
Artisan Certificate in Plumbing Pipe Fitter at Thika Technical Training Institute

Plumbers install and repair the water, waste disposal, drainage, and gas systems in homes and commercial and industrial buildings. Pipefitters, on the other hand, install and repair both... more

HRMPEB Professional Certificate 2 years
Professional Certificate in Certified Human Resource Profession at Thika Technical Training Institute

Certified Human Resource Professional (CHRP) is a professional course offered by the Human Resource Management Professional Examinations Board (HRMPEB) for individuals looking to embark within or are already... more