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Colleges in Western Region, Kenya

Top 57 Colleges in Western Region, Kenya - Choosing the right college is the first step towards achieving your career dreams. Go through our list of accredited Colleges in Western Region, Kenya and click on your prefered school to view the programs offered, entry requirements and admission procedure.

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Private College Kakamega County Mumias West Constituency
St. Mary’s School of Clinical Medicine Mumias

St. Mary’s School of Clinical Medicine Mumias (SMSCMM) is a distinguished institution dedicated to shaping the future of healthcare through innovative education and professional development. Established with a... more

Private College Kakamega County Navakholo Constituency
Private College Kakamega County Matungu Constituency
Fafa Medical Training College

FAFA Medical Training College is a tertiary level institution registered and licensed to offer education and training courses for clinical officers and nurses. more

Private College Vihiga County Hamisi Constituency
Private College Busia County Matayos Constituency
Private College Kakamega County Lurambi Constituency
Capacity and Training Institute

Capacity training Institute (CTI) is a facility built to provide community education and skills training using the Apprenticeship Model In communities that have experienced poverty and underdevelopment. The... more

Private College Bungoma County Bumula Constituency
Private College Bungoma County Kanduyi Constituency
Private College Vihiga County Vihiga Constituency
Public College Kakamega County Lugari Constituency
Lugari Diploma Teachers Training College

Lugari Diploma Teachers Training College is a public college located in Western Kenya in Kakamega County, Lugari Sub County, in Munyuki Sub-Location, approximately 35kilometres from Eldoret Town on... more

Public College Vihiga County Sabatia Constituency
Sabatia Technical and Vocational College

Sabatia Technical and Vocational College is located in Sabatia Sub County, Vihiga County of the Western part of Kenya. The College is located in Lotego Village within Busali... more

Public College Bungoma County Kanduyi Constituency
Kibabii Diploma Teachers Training College

Kibabii Diploma Teachers Training college is a middle-level public college located in the Kibabii area of Bungoma County. more

Private College Kakamega County Ikolomani Constituency
Auscomp College

AUSCOMP College is a fully TVET registered College that offers Diploma, Certificate, and Certification courses. The College started as an ICT center for training basic computer applications (computer... more

Private College Kakamega County Butere Constituency
Public College Bungoma County Tongaren Constituency
Bungoma North Technical and Vocational College

Bungoma North Technical And Vocational College is a Public Institution in Kenya registered under TVET. It is located in Nabing’eng’e area, Bungoma North Sub county, Tongaren Constituency off... more

Public College Bungoma County Sirisia Constituency
Sirisia Technical Training Institute

Sirisia Technical and Vocational College is a middle-level government-funded public technical and vocational education and training (TVET) institution offering diploma, Craft, and Artisan courses in Technical Skills.Sirisia TVC... more

Polytechnic Kakamega County Ikolomani Constituency
Sigalagala National Polytechnic

Sigalagala National Polytechnic (SNP) is a public National Polytechnic that was founded in 1950 as a technical and vocational training institute. The school is located along the Sheywe... more

Public College Bungoma County Kabuchai Constituency
Kisiwa Technical Training Institute

Kisiwa Technical Training Institute is a middle-level institution sponsored by the Catholic church and established on a five (5)- (currently 17.5) acres land along the Kimilili-Chwele –Kabuchai road,... more

Public College Busia County Teso North Constituency
Chamasiri Technical and Vocational College

Chamasiri Technical And Vocational College is a public middle-level college situated in Teso-North Sub-County of Busia County.Chamasiri TVC is registered with the Technical and Vocational Education and Training... more

Public College Busia County Teso South Constituency
Public College Vihiga County Vihiga Constituency
Public College Busia County Nambale Constituency
Mungatsi Technical & Vocational College

Mungatsi Technical Training and Vocational College in Nambale, Busia County, is a public institution that is considered to be a centre of excellence in electrical, electronics, and refrigeration. more

Public College Vihiga County Vihiga Constituency
Private College Bungoma County Bumula Constituency
Deeva College of Professional Studies

Deeva Beauty is a vocational training institution offering Diploma and certificate courses both on a full-time and part-time basis. We are located at the heart of Bungoma town,... more

Public College Bungoma County Bumula Constituency
Public College Bungoma County Kanduyi Constituency
Sang'alo Institute of Science and Technology

Sang’alo Institute of Science & Technology (SIST) is a public institute of Technology in Kenya. The name Sang’alo is derived from a Bukusu local language word “Sangala” meaning... more

Public College Bungoma County Webuye West Constituency
Webuye West Technical and Vocational College

Webuye West Technical and Vocational College is a middle-level public technical college located in Miendo location of Bokoli division, some 7km from Matisi junction and 5km from Bokoli,... more

Public College Busia County Budalangi Constituency
Bunyala Technical and Vocational College

Bunyala Technical and Vocational College (BTVC) is a national public tertiary institution under the Ministry of Education. It operates under the Education Act Cap 211 Laws of Kenya.  The... more

Public College Vihiga County Luanda Constituency
Ebukanga Technical and Vocational College

Ebukanga Technical and Vocational College is located in Emuhaya sub-county near Luanda town in Vihiga county. The college offers Engineering, ICT & Business courses in the three levels;... more

Public College Kakamega County Butere Constituency
Bukura Agricultural College

Bukura Agricultural College is a State Corporation established by an act of Parliament to provide middle level training in agriculture and related fields. The College is also mandated... more

Public College Kakamega County Lugari Constituency
Public College Busia County Nambale Constituency
Public College Kakamega County Navakholo Constituency
Navakholo Technical and Vocational College

Navakholo Technical and Vocational College is situated in, Bunyala Central Location, Navakholo Sub-County in Kakamega County. It is a public institution with registration TVETA/Public/RC/056/20 . The College is... more

Public College Bungoma County Bumula Constituency
Musakasa Technical Training Institute

Musakasa Technical Training Institute is a Government-funded public college located in Bumula Sub-County of Bungoma County, at Musakasa Market along Netima-Napara Road off Bungoma- Mayanja-Malakisi road. Vision: To Be... more

Public College Kakamega County Kinango Constituency
Kongoni Technical and Vocational College

Kongoni Technical and Vocational College (KTVC) is a Government-funded public institution that provides quality programs and services that will enhance and enrich your technical hands-on skills to meet... more

Public College Kakamega County Kinango Constituency
Mumias West Technical and Vocational College

Mumias West Technical & Vocational College is a Government-funded public institution located on the outskirts of Mumias Town, within Kakamega County. Mumias West TVC  offers a state of... more

Public College Busia County Budalangi Constituency
Public College Vihiga County Vihiga Constituency
Chanzeywe Technical and Vocational College

Chanzeywe Technical and Vocational College is a government TVET institution located in Vihiga constituency, Vihiga County on the Majengo-Luanda Road, 2km from Mahanga Market. The college is under... more

Public College Busia County Matayos Constituency
Public College Busia County Nambale Constituency